Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to questions typically asked by students. Most of these questions relate to the Department of Communication, but you can find other common questions answered here as well. If you have a question you would like answered, ask here. You can also check the Registrar Office’s FAQs for other important information.

How do I find faculty office hours?
Faculty office hours are listed within the faculty directory.

What do I need to do to get an internship?
Students can complete an internship with any company, but if you want to get academic credit for it, you need to go through the department. Dr. Heather Paige Preston is the departmental internship coordinator. For information beyond what is on the internship page of this website, or to discuss the process further, contact:
Dr. Heather Paige Preston
Phone: 828-262-2449
Office: 121 Walker Hall

How do I change my major to Communication?
Students can change their major online by filling out the Request for Change of Major form found on the College of Fine and Applied Arts website. Students can also use this form to change their minor or catalog year.

How do I declare a minor in Communication?
Students who have completed at least 30 credit hours and meet GPA requirements may declare a minor through the College of Fine and Applied Arts.

How can I make sure I graduate on time?
Many variables will affect this, including how often you change majors, and how motivated you are to take classes. There are some basic things that you can do to increase your chances of finishing in four years.

  • Meet with your advisor during advising times
  • Familiarize yourself with your concentration program of study
  • Check the university’s online bulletin to make sure that you take your classes in order, fulfilling the prerequisites for higher-level courses
  • View your completed graduation audit for remaining requirements (this is an automatically generated report once a student completes 85 hours)
  • Apply for graduation. Check with the Registrar’s office calendar for the deadlines

What is a Senior Check?
A senior check is a document that compares your current academic record with the requirements for your major. The Dean’s office will automatically generate one when you have completed at least 85 hours (normally the semester before you graduate). This will identify any problems that can be resolved by you and your advisor before graduation. It is also a good idea to make sure that the paperwork has been completed for any substituted courses before the audit is done.

How do I apply for scholarships?
Students can find more information about scholarships, including deadlines, on the scholarship page.

How do I know who my advisor is?
Advisors are assigned to new majors by the department. Students receive an email from the department welcoming you to the department when you declare communication as your major. In this email, students will be notified who the advisor is. If you lose this information, you can check your DegreeWorks, call the department (828-262-2221) or the Registrar’s Office (828-262-2050) to get the name of your advisor.

How can I change advisors?
If you wish to have a different advisor than the one assigned to you by the department, you will need to do the following:

  1. Secure the consent of the faculty member that you want to be your advisor.
  2. Have that faculty member notify the Department Staff that they have agreed to be your advisor.

This will allow the staff to assign your new advisor.

How do I know which Program of Study to use?
You can use any program of study equal to or more recent than the first year you attended Appstate. For example, if you first attended Appstate in the Fall of 2012, you can use the programs of study for 2012-13 or 2013-14, but you cannot use the checksheet from 2009-10. Links to the current checksheets can be found on the Majors page.

What study abroad opportunities are available to COM majors, and how do I get courses approved?
Visit the Office of International Education and Development web page for details.