Tyler Hotz, a Journalism and Public Relations senior within the Department of Communication will serve as the PRSSA student liaison for the new Western NC Chapter of PRSA. Hotz will represent PRSSA and PR students for the region and has already been involved in providing input to the executive committee in a formal document, representing the student point of view, and to help chapter formation and formalization by the national association.
Hotz states, "Last spring, I remember learning more about the foundation of the PRSA Western North Carolina Chapter. It was exciting news to hear as a future public relations professional, and I hope my position will help the Chapter gain a better insight into what aspiring public relations professionals prioritize in Western North Carolina."
The PRSA Western NC Chapter met December 4, 2019 for an end-of-year gathering and annual meeting to vote on the 2020 PRSA WNC Chapter Officer and Board Slate.
For more information about the Western NC Chapter visit their website: https://prsawnc.org/
Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is the foremost organization for students interested in public relations and communications. We advocate for high ethical standards and diversity in the public relations field. PRSSA was built to help students enhance their education, broaden their professional network and land their career through chapter meetings, networking events and national and regional conferences. The AppState PRSSA Chapter meets each month to learn about topics impacting the practice of public relations. Speakers from around the state and the nation are invited to speak from their personal experiences and best practices so that students may be prepared for the expectations, challenges and opportunities of day-to-day work in professional communications and digital public relations. In recent years, PRSSA student members have attended regional events such as "mixers" with other university PRSSA chapters and visited agencies and corporations to learn from their communication teams. The PRSSA student adviser is Dr. Melissa Adams (adamsmb2@appstate.edu) and you may follow news on upcoming meetings and events @AppStatePRSSA on Twitter and Instagram, or on Facebook at App State PRSSA.