Dr. Chris Patti

Contact and Overview

Email Address 


Office Hours

Tuesday: 12:30-2:00pm
Wednesday: 10:00am-12:00pm
Thursday: 12:30-2:00pm


Ph. D., Communication, University of South Florida
M.A., Communication Studies, California State University, Long Beach
B.A., Communication Studies, California State University, Long Beach

Curriculum Vitae


Currently Teaching (Spring 2025)

COM 1200 Thinking Through Communication
COM 2124 Intercultural Communication

HON 3515 Communicating Science

Courses Taught

COM 1200 Thinking Through Communication
COM 2101 Public Speaking
COM 2121 Interpersonal Communication
COM 2124 Intercultural Communication
COM 3151 Gender Communication
COM 3341 Communication Ethics
COM 3500-102 Experiments in Creativity & Communication
COM 3500-103 Critical Ethnography in Communication
COM/MAT 3543; HON 2515/3515 Communicating Science (with Dr. Eric Marland)
COM 3549 Ethnographic Storytelling & Inquiry

Research Interests

Interpersonal Communication
Holocaust Survivor Experience, Interviewing, and Oral History
Dialogue and Compassionate Communication
Zen, Meditation, Improvisation, and Jamming
Personal, Artistic, Scientific, and Historical Research Methods

Selected Publications


Recent Interviews, Articles, and Creations 

Recent Awards and Honors

  • The Appalachian's "Best of Boone 2022: Best Professor"
  • April 2019: Faculty Last Lecture Series Speaker: "Mindful Awareness, Really Listening, and Compassionate Communication" 
  • 2016-2017: Appalachian State University Student Government Association “Outstanding Professor—College of Fine and Applied Arts”
  • The Appalachian's "Best of Boone 2016: Best Professor"
  • The Appalachian's "Best of Boone 2015: Best Professor"
  • 2014-2015: Appalachian State University Student Government Association "Outstanding Professor—College of Fine and Applied Arts"
Title: Associate Professor, Communication Studies, Affiliate Faculty: Center for Judaic, Holocaust, & Peace Studies
Department: Department of Communication

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-2481

Office address
Walker Hall 125