Jack Jeffery

Contact and Overview

Email Address


Office Hours

Wednesday: 9:30am-1:30pm
Thursday: 9:30am-11:30am

Make an appointment


M.A., Communication & Marketing, Franklin University
B.A., English/Journalism, Ohio Northern University


Currently Teaching (Spring 2025)

COM 3317 Social Media Strategies
COM 3500 Independent Study
COM 3618 Public Relations Writing

Courses Taught

COM 1300 Journalism Matters
COM 3200 Internet Communication
COM 3317 Social Media Strategies
COM 3538 Media Relations
COM 3618 Public Relations Writing

Teaching and Research Specialties

Public Relations
Compare/Contrast Communication Plans for Commuter and Residential Campuses
Effective use of Media Relations in the changing news landscape


Published “Articulate your message: Op-ed placements offer a tactical edge for PR pros” in the February 2013 edition of Tactics, a publication of the Public Relations Society of America: https://apps.prsa.org/Intelligence/Tactics/Articles/view/10074/1073/Articulate_your_message_Op_ed_placements_offer_tac#.X_zIZehKjIU

Published a sidebar article on tailoring a homecoming event to a commuter campus in CURRENTS, a publication of CASE (Council for the Advancement and Support of Education)

Recent Awards

Earned PRism Awards for Excellence from the Central Ohio chapter of the Public Relations Society of America:

  • Op-ed/editorial writing (2011, 2019, 2020)
  • Earned media placement (2012, 2014)
  • Feature writing (2014)
  • Speechwriting (2013, 2015)
Title: Lecturer, Public Relations
Department: Department of Communication

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-2222

Office address
Walker Hall 134