Dr. Volha Kananovich

Contact and Overview

Email Address


Office Hours

Tuesday: 3:30–5:15 pm
Thursday: 3:30–5:15 pm
Friday: 2:30-3:30pm

And by appointment


M.A., Ph.D., The University of Iowa
Ph.D., National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
B.A., M.A., Belarusian National Technical University


Currently Teaching (Spring 2025)

COM 1300 Journalism Matters
COM 4240 Data Journalism

Courses Taught

COM 1300 Journalism Matters
COM 2610 News Reporting and Writing
COM 4240 Data Journalism
COM 4420 Multimedia Storytelling
COM 4610 Mobile Journalism

Teaching and Research Specialties

Journalism Studies
Political Communication
Computational Social Studies
International Communication


  • Kananovich, V. (2024). Subordinate or entitled partner? The effects of taxpayer news on political trust and demands for government accountability. Western Journal of Communication, 88(1), 170-193.
  • Kananovich, V. (2023). Online memes on anti-American propaganda and the overlooked “silent majority” in support of authoritarian populism in Putin’s Russia. New Media & Society. (Online first.)
  • Kananovich, V. (2023). Beyond the ‘Telegram Revolution’: Understanding the Role of Social Media in Belarus Protests. Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media, 22, 143–149.
  • Young, R., Kananovich, V., & Johnson, B. G. (2023). Young adults’ folk theories of how social media harms its users. Mass Communication and Society, 26(1), 23-46. 
  • Perreault, G., Kananovich, V., & Hackett, E. (2023). Guarding the firewall: How political journalists distance themselves from the editorial endorsement process. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 100(2), 354-372.
  • Kananovich, V. (2022). Contract partner with no rights: the construction of the taxpayer subject in the Belarusian government press. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 19(4), 325-343.
  • Kananovich, V. (2022). From “angry mobs” to “citizens in anguish”: The malleability of the protest paradigm in the international news coverage of the 2021 U.S. Capitol attack. American Behavioral Scientist. (Online first.)
  • Kananovich, V. (2022). # presidentspartingwords at a critical juncture: Reclaiming the autonomous subject in social media discourse on coronavirus in Belarus. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 46(3), 244-267.
  • Kananovich, V., & Perreault, G. (2021). Audience as Journalistic Boundary Worker: The Rhetorical Use of Comments to Critique Media Practice, Assert Legitimacy, and Claim Authority. Journalism Studies, 22(3), p. 322-341.
  • Kananovich, V. & Young, R. (2019). Too Hard to Shout Over the Loudest Frame: Effects of Competing Frames in the Context of the Crystallized Media Coverage on Offshore Outsourcing. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 27(2), 99–113.
  • Kananovich, V. (2018). Framing the taxation–democratization link: An automated content analysis of cross-national newspaper data. International Journal of Press/Politics, 23(2), 247–267.
  • Kananovich, V. & Durham, F. D. (2018). Reproducing the imprint of power: Framing the “Creative Class” in Putin’s Russia. International Journal of Communication, 12, 1087–1113.
  • Kananovich, V. (2016). Progressive artists, political martyrs, or blasphemous hussies? A content analysis of the Russian media coverage of the Pussy Riot affair. Popular Music and Society, 39(4), 396–409.
  • Kananovich, V. (2015). “Execute not pardon”: The Pussy Riot case, political speech, and blasphemy in Russian law. Communication Law and Policy, 20(4), 343–422.
  • Kananovich, V. (2014). Pussy Riot vs. civil obedience: A critical discourse analysis of two texts. Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 16, 65–81.

Selected Grants and Fellowships

  • Grant "Identifying and Measuring User and Platform Vulnerabilities to Strategic Information Operations," Minerva University Research Grants Program funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (2023-2025), co-PI.
  • Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) grant, Appalachian State University (2023).
  • Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) grant, Appalachian State University (2022).
  • Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) grant, Appalachian State University (2021).
  • University Research Council (URC) Grant, Appalachian State University (2020-2021).
  • Graduate College Summer Fellowship, The University of Iowa (2018).
  • Graduate and Professional Student Government Research Grant, The University of Iowa (2017-2018).
  • Murray Research Grant, The University of Iowa, School of Journalism and Mass Communication (2017).

Recent Awards

  • Outstanding Scholarship and Creative Activity Award, College of Fine and Applied Arts, Appalachian State University (2024)
  • First Place Winner of the Best Teaching Idea Competition, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Political Communication Division (2024)
  • Fellow, Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication (2023)
  • Best Professor Award, The Appalachian, "Best of Boone" readers-choice edition (2023).
  • Top Reviewer, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Cultural and Critical Studies Division (2022).
  • Top Scholar Award, Leslie G. Moeller Chapter of the Kappa Tau Alpha National Honor Society in Journalism and Mass Communication (2019).
  • Graduate Research Excellence Award, The University of Iowa (2019).
  • Rita Mitra Subramanian Award for Excellence in Doctoral Research, The University of Iowa (2018, 2019).
  • Carl J. Nelson Memorial Research Award, The University of Iowa (2019).
  • Best Student Poster Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), International Communication Division (2018).
  • Top Two Paper, Moeller Student Competition, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Mass Communication and Society Division (2018).
  • Top Paper, 19th Annual Jakobsen Memorial Graduate Conference, The University of Iowa (2017).
  • John F. Murray Outstanding Doctoral Student Award for Research, The University of Iowa (2017).
Title: Assistant Professor, Digital Journalism
Department: Department of Communication

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-8498

Office address
Beasley Media Complex 302