Dr. Nina-Jo Moore

Contact and Overview

Email Address


Office Hours

MTWR: 8:00am-12:00pm
Wednesday: 12:00-1:00pm Zoom office hour

Schedule an appointment


Ph.D. University of Maryland (1987)
M.A. University of Georgia (1982)
B.A. University of South Florida (1973)


Currently Teaching (Spring 2025)

COM 1200 Thinking Through Communication
COM 2181 Introduction to Rhetorical Theory
COM 4432 Communication Studies Seminar

Courses Taught

Introduction to Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal Communication
Communication Theory
Intercultural Communication
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
Intro to Rhetorical Theory
Communication Studies Seminar
Also Teach: Foundations of Human Communication, Gender Communication, Interviewing Techniques, Persuasion, Argumentation/Debate, Small Group Communication, Organizational Communication
Led several trips abroad, particularly to Poland and Eastern Europe.

Teaching Specialties

Interpersonal Communication areas
Public Address areas
Intercultural Communication areas
Organizational Communication areas
Gender Communication areas
Professional Affiliations or Organizations:
National Communication Association
Southern States Communication Association
Carolinas Speech Communication Association
Pi Kappa Delta Forensics Honorary (Forensics Honorary)
Phi Beta Delta Honorary (International Scholars Honorary)

Research Interests

Nonverbal Communication
Intercultural Communication
Gender Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Historical/critical analyses of rhetorical acts
Acquisition of logical reasoning skills
Teacher clarity training and the effects of that training
Application of public argumentation theories to interpersonal settings
Listening assessment
Critical thinking skills
Self perception of oral communication capabilities
Teachers’ self-perceptions of instructional abilities
Gender communication issues as they apply to areas of reasoning
Health care settings and education
Communication differences between diverse age groups, in particular the senior generation
Communication skills needed for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients as well as those who suffer from other forms of dementia.


Nonverbal communication: Studies and applications. (First Author) Co-authored with Mark L. Hickson, III, and Don W. Stacks. New York: Oxford University Press. 2010

“Pedagogy and process: Linking two diversity and communication courses through interactive television.” Co-authored with Deborah Brunson, UNC- Wilmington. Published in: Collaborative endeavors with interactive technologies: A communication perspective. Patricia Comeaux, Editor. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.

Cursillo Speakers Workshop: Participants Manual, Vienna, VA: National Episcopal Cursillo Movement, 1997.

“Personal Contact: Techniques and Practices” in National Episcopal Cursillo Library, Vienna, VA: National Episcopal Cursillo Movement, 2007.

Title: Professor, Emerita, Communication Studies
Department: Department of Communication

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-2171

Office address
Walker Hall 133A