Dr. Emory Stephen Daniel Jr.

Contact and Overview

Email Address


Office Hours

Monday: 1-3pm
Wednesday: 1-3pm
Friday: 1-3pm

Or by appointment.

Schedule an Appointment


Ph.D., North Dakota State University (2017)
M.A., Virginia Tech (2009)
B.S., Appalachian State University (2007)

Curriculum Vitae


Currently Teaching (Spring 2025)

COM 3640 Media Planning
COM 3936 Consumer Insights
COM 4400 Advertising Campaigns

Courses Taught

COM 3317 Social Media Strategies
COM 3640 Media Planning
COM 3936 Consumer Insights
COM 4400 Advertising Campaigns

Teaching and Research Specialties

Parasocial Relationships
Moé Culture
Media Planning
Social Media
Computer Mediated Communication
Advertising Pedagogy

Professional Affiliations

Cratis D. Williams School of Graduate Studies (Affiliate Member)
International Communication Association (ICA)
American Advertising Federation (AAF)
National Communication Association (NCA)
American Academy of Advertising (AAA)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Ferchaud, A., Orme, S., & Daniel, E.S. (2022). Morality inside the matrix: A qualitative exploration of gamers’ moral considerations within virtual game space. Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds, https://doi.org/10.1386/jgvw_00056_1

Ferchaud, A., Yan, Z., & Daniel, E.S. (2022) Binging on the Heartbreak: The Effect of Binge Watching on Narrative Engagement and Parasocial Breakups. Psychology of Popular Media. https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000414 

Kowert, R. & Daniel, E.S. (2021). The one-and-a-half sided parasocial relationship: The curious case of live-streaming. Computers in Human Behavior. 

Perreault, G., Daniel, E.S., & Tham, S. (2021). The Social Identity of ‘Loot Box’ gamers: A case study of the Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Game Studies

Crawford, E. & Daniel, E.S., & Yakubova, M. Kodagoda-Peiris, I. (2020). Connecting without connection: Using Social Media to Analyze Problematic Drinking Among Mothers. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising

Daniel, E.S., Crawford, E., & Westerman, D. (2018). Understanding the influence of Social Media Influencers: Using the Lens of Taylor’s Strategy Wheel and Parasocial Interaction to Understand Online Vaping Communities. The Journal of Interactive Advertising (JIAD Finalist: “Best Paper” of 2018) 

Daniel E.S. & Westerman, D. (2017). Valar Morghulis (All Parasocial Men Must Die): Having nonfictional responses to a fictional character. Communication Research Reports. 34(2), 143-152

Book Chapters

Daniel E.S. (2025). The Locus of Control in the Butterfly Mansion. In A. Bean (Ed.), The Psychology of Demon Slayer. Fort Worth, TX. Leyline

Daniel E.S. (2024) We were always an unlikely pair: Five and Delores. In R. Kowert (Ed.), The Psychgeist of Pop Culture: The Umbrella Academy. Pittsburgh, PA. ETC Press

Daniel E.S. (2023) Guiding gamers to “git gud”: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior as the persuasion process of continuing difficult games. In A. Bean (Ed.), The Psychology of Elden Ring. Fort Worth, TX. Leyline

Daniel E.S. (2022). Too Important for Bill’s PC: Attachment, Identification, and Parasocial Relationships with our Favorite Pokémon. The Psychology of Pokémon. Fort Worth, TX. Leyline

Daniel E.S. (2020). When Heroes become Villains: Developing Parasocial Relationships with Characters and the Expectancy Violation Meeting the ActorsIn A. Bean, E. Daniel, S. Stewart, Integrating Geek Culture into Therapeutic Practice: A Clinician's Guide to Geek Therapy. Fort Worth, TX, Leyline 

Daniel, E.S., (2020) Drinking the Magika: The Struggle of Overcoming Parasocial Relationships with Genocidal Regimes in Final Fantasy X. Submitted to Surpassing your Limit Breaks: The Psychology of Final Fantasy. Forth Worth, TX, Leyline

Daniel, E.S., Perreault, G., & Blight, M. (2020) Is the news cycle “real?”: A Case Stud of Media Fandom and Diffusion of Innovation in Persona 5. In A. Dunn (Ed.) Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media Fandom. Hershey, PA: IGI Global

Daniel, E.S. (2020). Follow the trails of our enemies: Overcoming cognitive dissonance to achieve our goals. In R. Kowert (Ed.) Press Start: How Video Games Cultivate Happiness. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave

Garski, L., Shepard, C., & Daniel, E.S. (2019). Unmasking grief: Applying the Kubler-Ross Stages of Grief Model to The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. In T. Bean (Ed.) The Psychology of Zelda. Dallas, TX: Benbella


Bean, A., Daniel, E.S., & Hays, S. (2020). A Clinician's Guide to Geek Culture. Fort Worth, TX, Leyline.

Recent Awards

National Communication Association: Top Paper, Game Studies Division (2021)

Title: Associate Professor, Advertising
Department: Department of Communication

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-2407

Office address
Walker Hall 129