Forensic Union & Debate Team

The Appalachian State University Forensic Union & Debate Team is dedicated to critical thinking and open discussion of social and political issues. The Forensic Union is one of the oldest organizations on the App State campus. Intercollegiate competition has been supported by the university since 1963. In 2008-2009, the American Debate Association awarded the App State Debate Team 11th place in the nation, and the Cross Examination Debate Association awarded the team the second place Public Sphere Award for exemplary service to its campus and community. In the Spring of 2011 the debate team won the National Championship in Policy Debate at the Pi Kappa Delta Debate Honor Society Tournament.

The nationally competitive debate team participates in cross-examination style debate, which is policy-centered, research-focused, and highly specialized. Competitions are held through university sponsored tournaments, where over 200 universities participate throughout an academic year. One topic is selected by the policy debate community each academic year and then thoroughly researched and debated throughout that year. The debate team meets Mondays at 5pm in Walker 107.

As a service to the campus and the community, the Forensic Union is available to assist campus and community non-profit groups in organizing and moderating public forums about controversial events.

Faculty Advisor:

Mark Bentley