Appalachian State University’s Department of Communication has received national recognition at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 2020 virtual conference for work by faculty Dr. Greg Perreault, Dr. Lynette Holman, Dr. Volha Kananovich, Dr. Melissa Adams and students Hannah Hume, Anna Dollar and Mariah Reneau.
“Our department had an impressive manuscript acceptance rate, and we also received several awards,” said Perreault. “It speaks volumes to see our undergraduate students, competing against undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, achieve recognition on a national level, particularly in a year when the awards were especially competitive.”
At the virtual awards, which were held Aug. 7, Hume received second-place student award for “Media and Mass Shootings” in the Electronic News division and Perreault received top honors for his paper “What is Digital Journalism” in the faculty Electronic News division.
The following manuscripts were accepted by AEJMC:
Hume, Hannah. “Media and Mass Shootings: Second Level Agenda Setting in CNN Coverage of Columbine High School and Parkland High School Mass Shootings”
Awarded Second-place Student Paper, Electronic News Division
Reneau, Mariah. “They Can't Stop All of Us: A Discussion about the Internet's Reaction to the Raid on Area 51”--Entertainments Studies Interest Group
Perreault, Greg, Ferrucci, Patrick & Dollar, Anna. “What is Digital Journalism? Defining the Practice and Role of the Digital Journalist”
Awarded First Place Faculty Paper, Electronic News Division
Holman, Lynette, Perreault, Greg & Dollar, Anna. “Diffusion of Innovation in Digital Journalism Tools”—Newspaper and Online News Division
Kananovich, Volha & Perreault, Greg. “Audience as Boundary Worker: Deconstructing the CNN Live Broadcast from the San Bernardino Shooters’ Apartment--Participatory Journalism Interest Group
Young, Rachel, Johnson, Brett & Kananovich, Volha. “Users as Experts: Folk Theories of Morality and Harmful Speech on Social Media”--Mass Communication & Society Division.
Kananovich, Volha. "Who’s Picking Up the Tab? The Effects of Framing Taxpayers’ Money on Citizen Oversight." -- Political Communication Division.
Kananovich, Volha. "Mobile Video Challenge: Shooting Like an Editor." -- Great Ideas for Teaching; Scholastic Journalism Division
Adams, Melissa & Lee, Nicole. “Analytics in Public Relations Measurement: Desired Skills for Digital Communicators”--Public Relations Division
Perreault, Greg, Daniel, Emory Stephen & Tham, Samuel. “The Social Identity of Mobile Gamers: A Case Study of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius”--Entertainment Studies Division
Adams, Melissa. "Using Google Analytics and Social Media Data to Research Online Publics: A Public Relations Campaigns Assignment." -- Public Relations Division
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