Dr. Christina May

Contact and Overview

Email Address


Office Hours

Monday: 10:00 a.m.-Noon
Thursday: 1:00-4:00 p.m.

And by appointment

Schedule an Appointment


Ph.D. in Human Services/Nonprofit Management, Capella University
Graduate Certificate, Executive Leadership, Cornell University
M.P.A. in Public Management, Troy University
M.Div in Interfaith Theology, All Paths Divinity School
B.G.S., Political Science, Indiana University


Currently Teaching (Spring 2024)

COM 3620 Principles of Fund Raising

Courses Taught

COM 3620 Principles of Fundraising
IDS 2450 Intro to Nonprofits
PA 4660 Nonprofit Management: Links to Governance
PA 5010 Field-Based Research
PA 5270 Not-For-Profit Organizations
UCO 1200 First-Year Seminar

Teaching and Research Specialties

Nonprofit management and leadership
Public administration


One World Everybody Eats Guide to Starting a Community Cafe

Recent Awards

  • 2017 James Beard Humanitarian of the Year Award - One World Everybody Eats
Title: Adjunct, Fund Raising
Department: Department of Communication

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-6871

Office address
Anne Belk Hall 351C